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The Story of YouNeverCall...

YouNeverCall was born 8 years ago to revolutionize online cell phone sales with great prices and 'extreme customer service'. We first focused on wireless PDA phones like RIM Blackberry and T-Mobile Sidekick - then we turned our attention to free cell phones. For the first year, our founder handled all of the orders personally - answering every phone call and email and shipping out every cell phone.


Well, our order volumes have grown so much that we now have separate departments for activations, shipping, and customer service. But we still treat each cell phone customer to the excellent customer service they deserve! At one time we even built cell phones for Second Life and offered a $10,000 prize for the first cell phone call made from the moon.


Now we specialize in SmartPhones like the popular TMobile, Verizon and Sprint Android phones! We are here to help you choose the best cell phone deals from T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, or Sprint. We can also help you compare cell phone plans to pick the cell phone family plans that will work best for you and your family! And speaking of family... call your mom! She'll appreciate it!


Why choose YouNeverCall for your new cell phone purchase?

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed - The Business Bureau awarded us an A rating! We think that means a lot!

  • Personal Service - call or write us to help you with any questions!

  • Dependable Service - We ship cell phones from one of the largest warehouses in the nation and still give you 'corner store' service.

Switch carriers and keep your cell phone number – FREE! In fact, most of our cell phones are FREE! YouNeverCall has the #1 most extensive selection of free cell phones on and off the net. Compare cell phone plans to find the one that works for you. All of our cellphones are brand new and come with the finest, cell phone plans from Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile.

Note. We don't currently offer AT&T Wireless Phones and Service.



Excellent Cell Phone Prices - While Supplies Last!


? 2003-2013 YouNeverCall, Inc. All rights reserved.